Wednesday, January 1, 2020

C02520 Analysis 2.1 Essay - 891 Words

K. Pointer CO2520 Analysis 2.1 (Week 3) Societal Influences on Communication and Perception In today’s society it would appear that we are communicating more as time passes with the addition to social media into individual lives. With applications such as Twitter, YouTube, and Face book, people are able to communicate with people around the world almost instantly as well as see the things that are being experienced in other countries. However, even though this has somehow made the world seem a bit smaller, communication has not gotten better. Miscommunication is actually now more readily noticeable because of the amount of social media that is available. We begin to see the societal and cultural factors that lead to misunderstandings†¦show more content†¦Because of having this label people begin to only listen to certain portions of the conversation because it is assumed that if you start speaking about a certain subject then you will only think a certain way because of the label that has been assigned to you. Labels and stereotypes are also derived from physical differences which also play a huge part in the perception factors that affect our abilities to communicate. Physical differences such as height, weight, sex, or race plays a huge part in people’s perception. Often times the color of a person skin will change the perception of another person based off of stereotypes. The person could be considered overweight or disabled and these physical traits often effect people’s perception of what that person can accomplish. Physical traits often play a part in perception because of the societal and cultural factors that influence people. In today’s society it is often expressed that if one doesn’t hold a position of power then there opinion doesn’t hold much importance however, many people will disagree with that statement. Although, the hierarchy in societies usually depict that those in power largely determine a society’s understanding s of its current reality. You can see the same structure in most business models. It is perceived that the higher up you are in the company the better you are treated and the more your opinions actually hold weight. You also

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