Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Defining Words for Worship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Defining Words for Worship - Essay Example Psalms 105 says that human beings should make known God’s deeds to the whole world. Praise refers to â€Å"giving thanks† in Psalm 1051. 2 Chronicles 30:22 is an example of how the word â€Å"praise has been used in the new testament. The Levites ate the peace offering sacrifices while offering praise to the lord at the sanctuary. Psalm 54:6 also shows how the word â€Å"praise† has been used, it says â€Å"willingly I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks to your name, O LORD, for it is good†2. Psalms 96: 4 says that our father and our lord deserve ad seek our praise. â€Å"Yahweh is great and is worthy to be praised†. The lord also deserves worship from human beings. Psalm 29:2 says that human beings should bow down to God. In the current churches, praise and worship services are dedicated to the lord. The word â€Å"praise’ has been uttered by Leah, after giving birth to a child (Genesis 29). Leah was the first wife of Jacob and sist er of Rachel. The word praise is used to give thanks to God after mighty deeds have been encountered by human beings. Prayer should be used to praise the Lord, however, human beings only pray when they are in troubles. Prayer should be used to praise and worship the lord for the wonderful deeds he has done to human beings3. Serve Jesus used the word â€Å"serve’ to refer to the main purpose of His coming. ... According to Philippians 1; 3-27, Paul says that human beings should conduct their selves in a manner honorable to the teachings of Christ. Christians can serve god by conducting themselves in a holly manner. Sinful deeds by human beings are not considered as service to the Lord. Paul further says that a worthy walk in God’s light constitutes obedience to their partnership in the gospel4. According to Romans 12; 11, human beings are expected to serve the Lord without lacking Zeal. Spiritual favor should be maintained at all times while serving God. In addition, Deuteronomy 13; 4 says that human beings should only follow the Lord their God. It is only God that is worth being Served and revered. The keeping of God’s commandments and obeying his commands are the best ways to serve and hold fast to him. Further, Galatians 5; 13 says that human beings and their brothers were called to use their freedom in serving the lord. Human beings should not engage in sinful deeds but s erve one another in love5. Serving God and other human beings is captured in 1 Peter 4; 10. Every person should use the gift given to them from God to serve others as well as faithfully carrying out ministries. Gifts from God should be used in assisting other creatures who are in need of help, by doing this; human beings will be serving the Lord. Consequently, Joshua 22; 5 says that the laws that were given to the Israelites by Moses should be followed. Human beings should love the Lord their God, do what is right, follow the commandments, and to serve the Lord with all their heart and soul. Mark 10; 45 also shows how human beings should serve the lord. Mark says that Jesus Christ did not come to be served by human beings, but to offer services to

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