Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hazardous Waste Transportation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hazardous Waste Transportation - Term Paper Example In the anticipation of such events, the United States government made the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in 1976. Today, the act is being implemented under the supervision of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA); and mandates specific rules and regulations regarding the management of these materials. This paper would focus on the hazardous waste transportation as one of the important aspects of the act’s proposed â€Å"cradle-to-grave† program. This would start with knowing what the hazardous wastes are, why there is a need of properly transporting it, what are the specific provisions indicated in the RCRA on transporting these materials, its process and the people, or organizations involved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are four main things that deem wastes as hazardous. They are hazardous if they are toxic, can catch or readily start a fire, have high reactivity level when combined with other products, or are corrosive (Kovacs 71). The RCRA specifically defined these wastes under solid waste; although it can also include any form of matter. They are â€Å"any garbage, refuse, sludge or other discarded materials, including solid, liquid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operations, and from community activities† (Teets, Reis, and Worrell 21). Any of the materials that contain carcinogenic [can cause cancer], mutagenic [can induce mutation], or teratogenic [can cause malformation or even death to a fetus] elements are considered toxic. Corrosive substances â€Å"include inorganic acid and bases that have the ability to damage or destroy material and living tissue by direct chemical action.† R eactive materials, on the other hand, are those that readily react if combined with other products and â€Å"can cause burns, poisoning, fire or explosion† while flammable materials â€Å"include combustible liquids, flammable solids, flammable gases,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Socio-Political Background as Manifested in the Novels of Maria Essay

The Socio-Political Background as Manifested in the Novels of Maria Edgeworth, Castle Rackrent, The Absentee, Ormond, and Harrin - Essay Example Though not a report of the exact events that went on, Maria Edgeworth’s stories are generally based on her perspective of the socio-political background and events of her days as she grew up as a young girl in Ireland. To this effect, it is common to find and link each of her writings to specific events in the history of Ireland. In her own little way, this was one more way that Maria Edgeworth thought she could use to trumpet her concerns across to the world at large to be the good judges of the situation of her homeland. While discussing Maria Edgeworth’s novels and other narrative works, literary critics are often eloquent about her close association as well as evident familiarity with the Irish historical events, and postcolonial and historical studies dealing with Ireland as a British dependency. Throughout her growing years, Edgeworth was a keen observer of and witness to all the major historical and political chronological events that changed Ireland. Due to her depiction of the injustices suffered by the native Irish people at the hands of imprudent Anglo-Irish landlords, Edgeworth was popularly known as the Ascendancy writer among literary circles. In almost all the novels, Edgeworth’s narrative style features the simple lifestyle of the native Irish peasantry, the imprudent absenteeism of the Anglo-Irish rulers and landowners, Protestant domination on the native Catholics of Ireland, and all other characteristic features of the eighteenth century Ireland. Undoubtedly, the accolade, ‘Ascendancy writer’ accorded to Maria Edgeworth has its roots in Maria Edgeworth’s role played both as a writer and as a social figure in Ireland in the days of the Protestant Ascendancy. The Protestant Ascendancy was a 25 year long series of events that occurred in Ireland from 1775 to 1800. Though Maria was barely seven years at the time the Ascendancy started, she grew to gain a lot of insight into the whole issue because the Asce ndancy lasted very long. What is more, Maria Edgeworth’s father was an influential Politian of the country at the time of the Protestant Ascendancy and so this offered Maria a lot of useful understanding of the wrongs and rights with the Ascendancy. Starting as an observer at the tender age of seven, Maria Edgeworth grew up to play active role in making her feelings and perspective of the Ascendancy known. For instance through the â€Å"habit of hiding in her father's magistrates' room for the purpose of taking notes of the peculiar manners or expressions of the litigants† (Lawless, 1095), Maria Edgeworth was put in a better position to pass authentic and factual comments of the protestant Ascendancy in her writings. So as her views and perception of the Protestant Ascendancy became so great, Maria Edgeworth was associated with the title ‘Ascendancy Writer’. Going back to give a brief account of the Protestant Ascendancy, as it has a great impact on the wr itings of Maria Edgeworth, it can be inferred that the expression ‘Protestant Ascendancy’ refers to the period in Ireland’s history when a minority of great landowners, protestant clergy and some professionals dominated the political, economic and social terrain of Ireland. The underlining factor was that the minority few who dominated and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Religious Views on Right to Die

Religious Views on Right to Die Julian Martin Public Policy: Right to Die The right to die is one of the most controversial topics addressed by government that has been interpreted into the state laws that have either debated the right or allowed it, however recently with the â€Å"Gonzales vs. Oregon† case where instead of the case being on constitutional grounds where it conflicts with the right of life, was put mainly on administrative law grounds which was shocking for many people. It helped reestablish the power of the â€Å"Death with Dignity Act†, which allows anyone who has a terminal disease to have the permission through voluntary help from a physician to be given lethal medications. The idea of ending someone’s life out of mercy for them with their permission has always been an idea that seems very favorable to those who know they will die and don’t want to suffer, but also of issue to other people especially concerning their religion. Some diseases such as several forms of cancer, Ebola, Creutzfeldt-jakob, AIDS, and others all have a form of pain it inflicts on people either cognitively or through actual unbearable pain that puts into the idea of allowing people to be able to kill themselves civilly and with dignity rather than have them suffer extensively and prolonging the inevitable. Most states, however, see the matter differently and do not allow for terminal patients to kill themselves through the careful attention of a physician who would administer the medications to them, for most argue that it conflicts with the freedom of life as it is protected through the first amendment of the constitution, and although many bills every year pass to enact the right to die in other states, most never are passed. Religion also comes into play when arguing to make the right to die nationwide as it conflicts according to parts of some religions. Christianity and Catholicism both recognize suicide as a form of sin and although it is assisted and done through careful procedures administered from physicians, it is mostly still seen as wrong through most church’s and Christian’s and Catholic’s views. Hinduism has varying points of view on assisted dying as they say it conflicts with the body and soul separating at separate times, along with it affecting both the doctor’s and the patients karma. Some religions, however, are actually very tolerant with the right and actually try to advocate for it to passed as a law, for example, Methodists recognize the right to die as a form of the individual’s freedom, Unitarian Universalists see it as the right of self-determination and allow it, and Evangelical believe it as a moral thing to do, so while most major religions wo uld not normally approve, other religions recognize it through morals. Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz also reveals the Jewish standing on the right to die and stresses that, the preservation of life, also known as pikuach nefesh in the Torah, is a very important thing that passes up basically all other commandments of the Torah. Breitowitz also explains that because as a Jewish belief, they believe in the soul rather than just the body, because they see the body as just a vessel for the person’s true spiritual essence. Judaism doesn’t accept the notion of sustaining life for longer than a human should be alive, because Judaism attempts to try and find a balance between the great mitzvah of prolonging life and the recognition that life may be unbearable or difficult as it’s said in the Torah. The Torah also states that the body and the life a person is not our own to do whatever with and with that, have no moral right to kill or hurt anyone else, or to hurt, kill, maim authorize another person to do those things to the person. Frank Pavone, the international Director for the organization â€Å"priests for life† states the Christian view on the right to die comes from the idea that their life is not truly there’s to own, including their death. Pavone states that although the body is in a sense the person’s possession as it was given to them by God, it is still not their body alone as they are not the source of their own existence and is accountable for it to God. With not truly owning the body, Christians do not have the right to claim they have a right to die because a right is a moral claim and that there is no claim on death, rather it has a claim on them and that to this idea, Christians don’t have the authority to prolong their life. Damien Keown, a professor of Buddhist ethics at Goldsmiths College in the University of London, expresses the Buddhist’s stand on the right to die and whether it should be legalized or not by stating that Buddhists generally oppose assisted suicide and euthanasia. This is due to the teachings that show the person that it is morally wrong to destroy human life, including one’s own, even if the intentians are just by attempting to end suffering, insteasd they are taught to have a great respect for life in general even if it is not being lived in an optimal way and by helping another or giving the authorization or being killed in a humane way, it affects both the doctor’s and the patients karma. Buddhists also believe that life really has no reason to be extended further than is required and that one should not go to any extrodinary lengths to try and preserve the life as all that matters is the spirit being in line with life and sustaining good morals and having go od karma. Ayman Shabana, a member of the Islamic Legal Studies Program at Harvard Law School, shows the Islamic point of view on rejecting the legalizing of the right to die by stating that the Islamic teachings condemn the idea physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia because Islam Teaches the idea that God alone and determines how long someone should live and when they should die, which leads to a general reluctance that any kind of idea to end life prematurely because it’s believed by many islams that those decisions should only be held only in the hands of God. The stand on the right to die is also influenced greatly by the belief that the suffering a terminal patient goes through is beneficial as there is a notion that the person has no idea whats good for them or not which leads to the traditional idea of the suffering viewed as a test of fate. The United Church of Christ, however, is one of the few minorities that support the passing of the right to die to be in all states, because according to Reverend Timothy Tutt, the senior minister at Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, they are taught to believe that each and every single person approaches God on their own terms, including the end of life. Despite the minority groups and religions that do support the right to die as both a moral idea and decision, many major religions do not agree with the passing of any bill that would allow this method of death as it would violate their First Amendment right of religion and until the day that major religions such as Christianity or Judaism accept the idea, the right to die will never be seen in any other states other than the few that have already passed it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Biography of Pele Essay -- History

Biography of Pele Edson Arantes do Nascimento, more widely admired by the world as "Pelà ©", was born on October 23, 1940, in a small village in Brasil called Trà ªs Coraà §Ãƒ µes in the Brasilian state of Minas Gerais. He was baptized in the municipal church called Igreja da Sagrada Famà ­lia de Jesus, Maria e Josà ©. His father, Joà £o Ramos do Nascimento, or Dondinho, as he was known in the soccer world, was also a professional player. He was well-known as one of the best-heading players in his time. He was a center forward for Fluminense until an injury kept him from playing professional division one soccer. His mother Celeste gave Pelà © and the rest of his family attention to their needs and a lot of love. When he was a child, Pelà © and his family moved to Baurà º, in the interior of the Brasilian state of Sà £o Paulo, where he learned to master the art of futebol. One day he himself confessed that he "tinha trà ªs coraà §Ãƒ µes [had three hearts]", referring to the city where he wa s born, Trà ªs Coraà §Ãƒ µes, and to Baurà º and Santos. Pelà ©'s Career Pelà ©'s first job was shining shoes. But he had always dreamed of playing soccer. Pelà ©'s soccer career started early. After playing in a few amateur teams like Baquinho and Sete Setembro, at the age of 11, while playing for an uncoached team called Ameriquinha, he was discovered by a former Brasilian World Cup player named Waldemar de Brito. De Brito recognized Pelà ©'s skills and invited him to join the team he was organizing (Clube Atlà ©tico Baurà º?). When Pelà © was fifteen, in 1956, de Brito took him to the city of Sà £o Paulo to try out for the professional club called Santos Futebol Clube (SFC). That day, de Brito told the team directors that "This boy will be the greatest soccer player in the world." Pelà ©'s first show came on September 7, 1956, when he played in place of the center forward Del Vecchio. He came into the game to score the sixth of the seven goals in the 7-1 Santos victory. He scored his goal on the 36th minute, in a play between Raimundinho and Tite. The ball was given to Pelà © in the box, and even though he was surrounded by defenders, he shot on goal and the ball went under goalkeeper Zaluar's body. Zaluar became famous as the first goalkeeper to take a goal from the great Pelà ©. From there, the trip to the summit was fast. In his first league game with Santos, he scored four goals. The next season, he was a re... goals in one game against Botafogo of Rio de Janeiro. On November 19, 1969, he scored his famous 1,000th goal from a penalty kick on the 34th minute of the game against Vasco da Gama and dedicated it "...para as criancinhas pobres do Brasil...." (to the poor little children of Brasil) and to the elderly and suffering peoples of Brasil. Pelà © also participated in what is known to be the "Golden Age" of the Libertadores Cup from 1960 to 1963, during which the great Uruguayan team Peà ±arol faced the legendary Santos for the final games. Peà ±arol won in 1960 and 61, while Santos took the championship the other two years. Pelà © defined the role of the playmaker/midfielder type. He led some of the greatest Brasilian players of all time - Vavà ¡, Didi, Garrincha, and others. Many said Pelà © would have been the best in any position he played. Pelà © once insisted to the manager of Santos that he play goalkeeper. On January 19, 1964, he substituted Santos goalkeepr Gilmar, who had been ejected, in the semi-final game of the Brasil Cup. For five minutes, after scoring three goals, Pelà © played with the number one jersey and made two spectacular saves that saved Santos the spot in the finals.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Declining Portable Water Essay

â€Å"Water of life†. This is a famous Christianity word that reflects how important water is to our life. As we know, most drinkable water comes from the river, thus making river the main sources of potable water. However global warming is getting more and more serious nowadays causing a global rise in temperature and melt the ices at mountain’s peak. In the book ‘Pillar of Sand’ by Sandra Postel, Postel says that major Asia’s rivers like Ganges, Indus and Yellow river depends on the snowpack mountains for their flow. Despite that, the rises in temperature has causes the snow to melt faster and an increase in rainfall, drying up the river especially during dry season. Even the famous Andes, Rockies and Alps rivers is said to soon face this problem which mean there will be a worldwide water shortage should these rivers dry up. Therefore, this essay will talk about what will happen when there is a decline in potable water. Global water pollution cause d by sewage and animal waste has resulted in overdose of nutrients and sediments in rivers, lakes and sea.(Tasha Eichenseher, March 2010) This causes eutrophication which is a situation where algae growth increases; resulted in lack of oxygen in the river. That eventually decreases the values of the rivers, lakes and esturaries for recreation, fishing, hunting and aesthetic enjoyment. In addition to that, health problems can occur where eutrophic condition interferes with drinking water treatment. To sum it up, water pollution caused by sewage and animal waste is the root of the decline in drinkable water as it pollutes the rivers and also the treated water. In addition to the above, polluted water is also said to be the causes of diseases. According to the World Health Organization, up to half of humanity has one of the six main diseases – diarrhea, schistosomiasis, trachoma, infestation with ascaris, guinea worm, or hookworm at any time because of poor drinking water and inadequate sanitation. This shows that lack of safe drinking water, as water are polluted, can causes various dangerous spreadable diseases w hich can endangered our life. For example, it is predicted by Amin Zakaria in his column in The Star on July 9, 2008, that in 2009, diarrhea death toll will be like four jumbo jets of children crashing every day. Therefore, it is not exaggerating to say that human waste is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction as lack of adequate sanitation in usable water for more than a third of the Earth’s population is one of the biggest scandals in the last 50 years. This lack of clean water situation is further worsen when there is a decline in clean water. According to Tan Ee-Beng on 2008 in the Environmental Health Perspectives, of a population of roughly 6.1 billion, more than 1 billion lack access to potable water. His statement is further proven when a report from UNESCO on 2009 says that China currently has less than an estimated 49 billion cubic meters of renewable water resources when in the decades before 2000, this country owns an average of about 66 billion cubic meters of renewable water resources. In conclusion, knowing that there is a decline in clean water, the best way is to combat this issue soonest possible. Government should also urges the public to save water by increasing the water bill after the usual 50 liters usage. In addition to that, government should also increase the capacity of the water reservoir in the country. For example the current Selangor water issue between Peter Chin and Selangor state Government should be resolve soonest possible so that Langat 2 can be built and provide water for people of Selangor till 2025. We as citizen should also play a part by not wasting these precious water as to lessen the need to treat the water to be use again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Behavioral Science Theory Essay

Theory X In this theory, management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can. Because of this, workers need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed. According to this theory, employees will show little ambition without an enticing incentive program and will avoid responsibility whenever they can. The Theory X manager tends to believe that everything must end in blaming someone. Furthermore, Theory X supervisors cannot trust any employee, and they reveal this to their support staff via their communications constantly. Theory X managers naturally adopt a more authoritarian style based on the threat of punishment. One major flaw of this management style is it is much more likely to cause Diseconomies of Scale in large businesses. Â  Theory Y In this theory, management assumes employees may be ambitious, self-motivated, and anxious to accept greater responsibility, and exercise self-control, self-direction, autonomy, and empowerment. It is believed that employees enjoy their mental and physical work duties. It is also believed that if given the chance employees have the desire to be creative and forward thinking in the workplace. There is a chance for greater productivity by giving employees the freedom to perform at the best of their abilities without being bogged down by rules. A Theory Y manager believes that, given the right conditions, most people will want to do well at work and that there is a pool of unused creativity in the workforce. Application of theory X and Y in the US Navy Almost every organization, adopts either theory X or Y in managing their employees or workforce. The application of any one of these theories depends on the culture of the organization, the attitude of managers towards their employees and vise-versa and the personalities of both employers and employees. The US Navy is not an exception to these management practices and applications. When the Navy recruits individuals, they usually apply Theory X. At this stage, they adopt a more authoritarian style based on the threat of punishment. The supervisors’ believe that the recruits are inherently lazy and will train if they can. They should be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls should be put in place in their training camps. At this stage, it is believed that the recruits will try to avoid responsibility whenever they can. The supervisors cannot trust the recruits and they reveal this to them through their communication constantly. Theory X continues to be applied in the Navy even after the recruits have passed and have been incorporated in the navy. They continue receiving orders from their commanders and supervisors. Theory Y is applied in the US navy once an individual climbs the ladder and becomes the commander or supervisor. At this stage, it is assumed that the commanders/supervisors are ambitious, self-motivated, and anxious to accept greater responsibility, exercise self-control, self-direction, and autonomy and are empowered. At this stage, the supervisors enjoy their mental and physical work duties. They have the desire to be creative and move forward. Given the right conditions, they will always want to do well at work and use their creativity in bettering the Navy operations. Even though these approaches are, what are commonly used, the US Navy should try to apply theory Z. This theory is good, since it welcomes a more human and more effective way of managing people. It offers a long term, often lifetime employment, with a high value placed on mutual loyalty. Promotion in this case is relatively slow and specialized career paths for individuals and the development of specific skills is encouraged. This approach emphasizes decision by consensus and insists on individual responsibility. It is also preferred since it places attention to the welfare of subordinates as well as encourage informal relationships among individuals. How do your two scores relate to your experience at work? In theory x is visible in most organizations. We find employees not ready to work unsupervised thus need for supervisors to monitor their activities. Managers on the other hand do not trust their employees and they usually carry out check up on them. In theory y we find employees when left alone to work they are likely to be more productive. What motivates individuals to put forth effort on the job? Motivation is reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior. These reasons may include basic needs such as food or a desired object, hobbies, goal, state of being, or ideal. The motivation for a behavior may also be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism or morality. What motivates people include things like money, praise, rewards, and opportunities to make decisions and be creative. Content theories include: How are people motivated on the job? People can be motivated by; positive reinforcement or high expectations, effective discipline and punishment, treating people fairly, satisfying employees needs, setting work related goals, restructuring jobs, base rewards on job performance. Â   REFERENCES Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Psychology – The Search for Understanding by Janet A. Simons, Donald B. Irwin, and Beverly A. Drinnien.West Publishing Company, New York, 1987. Colman, Andrew M. Behavioral Science. Oxford University Press, 2001. Foulks Lynch. ACCA Paper 1.3 Managing People. Ashford Press Ltd, 2005. Â